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Common Questions About First-Time Roof Replacement

Florida Premier Roofing

If you are having your roof replaced for the first time, you may be feeling overwhelmed by all the unknowns involved in the process. Roofing contractors like us get asked the same questions by many of our customers, so, to help you out, we provide our answers to common roofing concerns below.

Can I Get by With Repairs Rather Than Replacement?

It depends on the actual condition of the roof. Generally speaking, if the leak is at an isolated spot, then repairs will suffice. If the damage is widespread, however, you’re probably better off replacing the roof. We will perform an inspection to evaluate the condition of your roof and give you an accurate assessment of what needs to be done.

Can a New Roof Be Installed Over My Existing One?

It is certainly possible, but for optimum performance, we recommend removing the existing roof first. If there are issues with the roof deck, we won’t be able to identify and repair the problem if we simply re-roof.

Can I Have a Roof Installed in the Winter?

Absolutely. We are one of the few roofers who can install and maintain roofs all year ‘round, which is great if you prefer to do your home improvements during off-peak seasons.

Can I Choose a Different Roof Material?

It generally depends on the slope of your existing roof. Asphalt shingle roofs can accommodate metal roofs and vice versa. Certain materials like slate require higher slopes, which may require a new or modified roof structure. Our consultants can give you several options and an accurate estimate at the end of every consultation.

How Do You Clean Up After the Installation and What Do You Do With the Old Roof?

We haul every scrap of discarded roofing and use magnets to pick up every roofing nail that has fallen to the ground. Materials such as asphalt, paper and metal are recyclable, so we haul them off and send them to the proper recycling facilities. Only a small fraction of the disposed roofing ends up in the landfill.

Florida Premier Roofing would be happy to answer any other questions about roofing. Call us today at (407) 216-2782 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free roofing estimate. We serve many areas in and near St. Petersburg and Largo, FL.

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